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2024 Art + Code Teacher Camp


The Art + Code Teacher Camp is an immersive professional development program designed to empower US-based educators to integrate fundamental software concepts into their K-12 art classrooms. Over the course of this program, participants will explore a diverse curriculum that bridges code and art, predominantly using p5.js.

We hope to supply educators with tools and methodologies that can be implemented into the classroom, inspiring their students through innovative and interdisciplinary learning. To learn more, visit Is This Program for Me? and FAQ.

Applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied and good luck!

  • September 16: application deadline
  • September 20: applicants notified
  • September 25: last day to confirm participation
  • October 11~13: in-person kick-off event at UCLA Design Media Art in Los Angeles
  • October 17~December 2: seven-week virtual program (20 hours)
  • December 6~8: public presentation
Program Highlights
  • Professional Development: participate in ten weeks of training with experienced K-12 instructors.
  • Engagement and Networking Opportunities: in-person meet up at UCLA with Design Media Art’s Social Software and a public presentation to the K-12 community.
  • Stipend: participating teachers will receive a stipend ($1000) and additional travel support for our two in-person events.
  • Curriculum Development: the cohort will generate curricular material(s) based on their training that can be used directly in their classrooms and shared publicly on Processing Foundation's platforms.
Ten-Week Training Program

From October to December, a selected group of educators will be invited to learn how to create digital media projects. The program unfolds in three stages:

Week 1: Let’s connect!

We’ll start the program with an in-person kick off at UCLA Design Media Arts. Meet fellow K-12 educators, the creators of p5.js and Processing, and the Art + Code Teacher Camp team.

Week 2 ~ 9: Let’s learn!

The cohort will participate in a seven-week virtual program to foster conceptual and technical skills required to synthesize art and code.

Week 10: Let’s contribute!

Share your final project to a community of K-12 educators in December. The final project will be a demo, resource, or module you’ve created to bring back to your classroom. Ideally, this work is not only useful for your classroom, but also a credited resource to be shared on the Processing Foundation's platforms for teachers everywhere.

Course of Study

Art + Code Teacher Camp’s curriculum is a visual arts forward approach that drives an understanding of core programming concepts through an art-focused lens. This curriculum spans a range of topics from visual arts to interactive media art. By exploring JavaScript fundamentals through contexts such as ‘drawing in contemporary art’ and ‘generative art’, teachers and students can experience the wide applications of code as a tool for creative expression.

Designed for K-12 educators, the curriculum provides resources to support student artistic development, such as ‘unplugged’ warm-up activities, tips for teaching code, discussion prompts and templates for projects or assessments. The modules are designed to meet teachers and students where they’re at: first time coders, interactive media art enthusiasts and artists looking for new tools to incorporate into their practice.

Check out some sample projects and snippets of the curriculum:

Meet the Teacher

Jean Y. Kim (she/her) is a computer science & visual arts teacher and artist currently in Seoul. For nearly ten years, she taught middle school visual arts and high school computer science in New York City. Specializing in creative applications of technology, she has developed and taught curriculum for mixed media, animation, digital photography, AP and IB Computer Science. Jean has a BFA in Studio Art from NYU and an MA in Instructional Technology from Teachers College Columbia University. In her own creative practice, she plays with code, textiles and zines.


Is This Program for Me?

We‘re excited to support individuals who teach or support K-12 arts education. This includes K-12 school teachers, as well as individuals working for organizations serving the K-12 population. If you have any questions, please reach out to This is an entry-level program. We welcome beginners who’ve n...

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You can send questions to We will post questions and answers here as they come. Do I need to know programming or coding beforehand? No, this program is tailored for beginners with no prior experience with code. I am a University professor or Computer Science professor, can…

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2024 Art + Code Teacher Camp is made possible with funding from National Endowment for the Arts and partnership with UCLA Social Software.