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Learn about the Art+Code Teacher Camp taking place this fall over Zoom. Each participant receives a $3,000 stipend with an optional visit to UCLA DMA. Applications open in August. The program will run from September to December 2024.

View the info session and fill out the interest form.

This page provides information about the Processing Foundation's educational initiatives. These include the createCanvas podcast (2019-2021), which profiles leading educators, and CC Fest (2016—now), a series of free in-person and virtual creative coding workshops for students and teachers.

Saber Khan, Education Community Director for Processing Foundation, maintains this page.

CC Fest

CC Fest is an in-person and virtual series of events organized by the Processing Foundation that aims to bring educators, students, and artists together to delve into the world of creative coding. This festival enhances digital literacy and fosters creative expression through various workshops, presentations, and collaborative activities. Focused on tools like Processing and p5.js, CC Fest provides an interactive platform where participants can learn new skills, showcase their projects, and engage with a vibrant community of creative coders.

The event features a blend of structured learning and open-ended exploration, including hands-on sessions, project showcases, and networking opportunities. Participants from diverse backgrounds come together to explore the intersection of technology and creativity, making it a unique experience for all involved. The workshops cover various topics from basic coding to advanced interactive graphics, ensuring there is something for everyone, regardless of their skill level. To learn more please visit here and

Art+Code Teacher Training Camp

A (mostly) virtual training program for art teachers to learn to use free and open-source tools for creative coding. The program will run from September to December 2024. The program is organized with support from UCLA Social Software and a National Endowment for the Arts grant.


The createCanvas podcast (2019-2021) is a series that explores the intersection of art and technology through creative coding. Hosted by unique voices in the field, the podcast features in-depth discussions with educators who share their insights on how coding can be a medium for artistic expression and innovation.

The episodes cover a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of creative coding with tools like Processing and p5.js to advanced projects and the impact of digital art in contemporary culture. Each episode delves into the guests' personal journeys and creative processes, providing listeners with valuable inspiration and practical advice for their own creative coding endeavors.

To learn more please visit createCanvas.
