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PCD 2021: Processing 20th Anniversary Community Celebration


Let’s organize a distributed, worldwide party! Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Processing with the community on August 20–22 by sharing events, zines, cakes, and artwork. Who’s in? #pcd2021

Different ways to participate


Processing was officially launched with “Release 0001 — built 9 August 2001 in Japan, 6:01:26pm (5am Eastern).” This August we would like to help the community celebrate together by joining in the following:

Community events 📆 💻 👩🏽‍🎤

Year #20 from Openprocessing August 1 - 31 (virtual): "OpenProcessing is running a coding challenge during the month of August to celebrate the year #20 of Processing with sketches that experiment with their new dynamic logo. Submit your own sketches!"

Coding with Processing Release 0001 Alpha -- Happy 20th! from Dan Shiffman Friday, August 20 (virtual)

PCD 2021 Latinoamérica from Nicolás Troncosco Friday, August 20 (virtual)

Processing 20th Anniversary - Denver from Chris Coleman Friday, August 20 (in-person Denver, CO): "We are limiting attendance due to COVID protocols."

Processing Community Day 2021 from Tim Rodenbroeker Saturday, August 21 (virtual): "Happy to be a part of this!!!"

Processing Community Hangout Japan #06 from Takawo Shunsuke Saturday, August 21 (virtual)

PCD Seoul from pcd.seoul Saturday, August 21 (Hybrid event - Seoul (in-person) & Gather Town (online)): "Hybrid in-person/online PCD event in KOTE Space Seoul & Gather Town to celebrate the 20 years of Processing, with a lots of code and hopefully some cake too!"

Creative Code Jam [ONLINE EDITION] from Creative Code Berlin Saturday, August 21 (virtual)

Processing Community Day India 2021 from Processing India Saturday, August 21 (virtual)

Creative Coding Fest from Saber Khan Sunday, August 22 (virtual): "CC Fest is a free and inclusive event for students and teachers to engage in creative coding. Come spend a day making interactive and engaging digital art, animation, games."

Museum of Crypto Art and VerticalCrypto Art are hosting an exhibition of artworks created with Processing and a panel discussion on the future of generative art with Casey Reas, Qianqian Ye, Dmitri Cherniak, and ix shells on Sunday, August 22 (virtual) "Join us"

Processing Community Day Copenhagen from Andreas Refsgaard Saturday, October 2 (in-person - Royal Danish Academy): "Looking for speakers"

PCD Aarhus from Winnie Soon Saturday, October 9 (in-person, Aarhus Dome)

PCD Taiwan from C-LAB Future Media Arts Festival October 19 - 24 (virtual)

PCD Basel from November 13 (in-person, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst (HGK) and at Hammer Cafe)

Ben Fry and Casey Reas will be interviewed on Art Blocks on Sunday, August 22

Raphaël de Courville will be broadcasting about Processing and Hic et Nunc on his Twitch channel.

Computational Mama will do a special Processing Community Day Stream on her Twitch channel as part of PCD India at 5:30pm IST on Sunday, August 22.

Processing × Hic et Nunc Fundraiser

Dates: Aug 20–22, 2021
Hashtag: #sketch4processing
Fundraising Goal: 5520 Tezos
Wallet: sketch4processing.tez

Ways you can contribute:

Find us on Hic et Nunc:

Code templates:

Thank you to the organizing group Melissa Rodriguez, Antonius Oki, p1xelfool, VerticalCrypto Art, Raphaël de Courville, and James Powderly!