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2024 pr05 Grantees

Diya Solanki


Diya Solanki (India), is a developer and student driven by her passion for technology and mathematics. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering in Information Science and is a GSoC 2024 intern developing JSON schema language server extension at Postman. She also enjoys data science and was an R&D intern at HPE working with cloud backups, cost projection, and machine learning. Her work primarily focuses on backend development, including learning and implementing client-server architectures using the JSON-RPC protocol. Diya actively contributes to Open Source projects, driven by her love for FOSS. Apart from coding, she enjoys working out at the gym and solving bugs in her head with a techno playlist.

Create an Official Processing VSCode Extension: This project will focus on developing an official Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension for Processing. Building on the initial Language Server Protocol (LSP) integration in releases 4.1 and 4.3 of Processing. The development of this VSCode extension serves to complement the Processing Development Environment (PDE), providing a more feature-rich alternative thanks to the built-in capabilities of VSCode.

Dora Do


Dora Do is a Creative Technologist based in Brooklyn, NY, exploring the intersection of technology and art. With extensive experience in building large-scale tech solutions, combined with her passion for analog art mediums, Dora aims to understand and deepen the human connection with technology by creating thoughtful and immersive digital experiences. You can view her work at

Prototype a Collaborative Desktop Editor for Processing: Develop an evolutionary prototype of a desktop editor for Processing that supports collaborative editing, aimed at teaching and facilitating creative coding, focusing on simplicity and accessibility for beginners. This project requires development from the ground up, presenting a unique opportunity for a developer to contribute to a tool that could significantly influence how programming is taught in creative and educational contexts.

Claudine Chen


Claudine Chen is a software engineer and artist based in Dublin and Berlin. She counts her time in academia doing scientific research, in the International Development Design Summit practicing design thinking, and as a software engineer as the three pillars of skills she has to offer. Her art has taken the form of installations, videos, and sculptures.

Simplify the Workflow for Processing Libraries, Tools, and Modes: This project aims to improve the developer experience for libraries, tools, and mode contributors. The current system for submitting contributions and updating the contributions list is cumbersome and error-prone. Your work will automate the process and improve the quality of life for other developers, making Processing contributions more inviting to new contributors.

Nahee Kim


Nahee Kim is a media artist and web programmer based in Seoul and New York. With a focus on sexuality and network technology, she creates code related to human sexual desire and produces experimental narrative videos and web pages on this topic. Since 2019, through the project "Daddy Residency," she has been preparing experiments to restructure patriarchal family systems using network engineering methodologies. She is a member of the Seoul-based artist collective "eobchae" and has participated in residency programs at MassMOCA (2019), NEW INC (2021), and Pioneer Works (2023) in the United States.

Upgrade CodeMirror to Version 6 for the p5.js Editor: Upgrade the CodeMirror component in the p5.js Editor from Version 5 to Version 6, implementing many enhanced features for accessibility, mobile support, internationalization, and other editor features. This may require refactoring related components.

Miaoye Que


Miaoye Que is a Chinese writer and technologist based in Brooklyn, New York. A software engineer by trade, they now weave text through the medium of the browser to invoke memory, personal perspectives, collective struggles, and perpetual longings. Their writing and net art have been published in the Annual, Triangle House Review, Taper, and Crawlspace, with forthcoming contributions in Adjacent and Mouthwash Research Center. They were a maintainer of ml5.js—a machine learning library for the web under p5.js—while at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.

Revamp the Friendly Error System (FES) for p5.js 2.0: The p5.js Friendly Error System (FES) enhances the development and debugging experience in p5.js with simplified error messages. With the upcoming p5.js 2.0 release, significant updates are required to align FES with the new system architecture. This project presents an opportunity for applicants to make a meaningful impact on a critical component of p5.js, which is particularly beneficial for new coders and enhances the experience for millions of users.