Code, Decolonized (2021–2022)
Code, Decolonized is a project and living archive initiated by shawné michaelain holloway and Xin Xin that researches, experiments, and practices new ways of learning and teaching programming languages for the web through perspectives that are traditionally overlooked and under recognized in the technical classroom.
This collective work started from a teaching practicum course offered at Parsons Design & Technology at the New School, which investigates the ever-shifting roles of software and explore new forms of code pedagogy through queer, black, abolitionist, and intersectional feminist consciousness. Following bell hook’s vision of “education as the practice of freedom”, this course equips future-educators with tools to reframe their understanding of traditional computer science education and craft socially-engaged course materials.
In 2021, Code, Decolonized was co-taught by shawné michaelain holloway and Xin Xin, and supported by Processing Foundation mentors A.M. Darke, Masood Kamandy-Milne, and Lauren Lee McCarthy.
In 2022, Code, Decolonized was co-taught by Dejohn Huffman and Xin Xin, and supported by Processing Foundation mentors Dorothy R. Santos, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Saber Khan, and Xiaowei R. Wang. The course partnered with POWRPLNT and hosted the Code, Decolonized x POWRPLNT public symposium at Pioneer Works.