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Code, Decolonized (2021–2022)

Code, Decolonized is a project and living archive initiated by shawné michaelain holloway and Xin Xin that researches, experiments, and practices new ways of learning and teaching programming languages for the web through perspectives that are traditionally overlooked and under recognized in the technical classroom.

This collective work started from a teaching practicum course offered at Parsons Design & Technology at the New School, which investigates the ever-shifting roles of software and explore new forms of code pedagogy through queer, black, abolitionist, and intersectional feminist consciousness. Following bell hook’s vision of “education as the practice of freedom”, this course equips future-educators with tools to reframe their understanding of traditional computer science education and craft socially-engaged course materials.

In 2021, Code, Decolonized was co-taught by shawné michaelain holloway and Xin Xin, and supported by Processing Foundation mentors A.M. Darke, Masood Kamandy-Milne, and Lauren Lee McCarthy.

In 2022, Code, Decolonized was co-taught by Dejohn Huffman and Xin Xin, and supported by Processing Foundation mentors Dorothy R. Santos, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Saber Khan, and Xiaowei R. Wang. The course partnered with POWRPLNT and hosted the Code, Decolonized x POWRPLNT public symposium at Pioneer Works.

Aamina Palmer, who wears an afro, a black mask and a black shirt with printed white text that says #000000 { lives: matter }, is working on her laptop on a white desk.
Image description: Aamina Palmer, who wears an afro, a black mask and a black shirt with printed white text that says #000000 { lives: matter }, is working on her laptop on a white desk.
Aiyo O’Connor, who has a shaved head and wears a black mask, a thick sweater and a loose overall with floral patterns, is engaging with a workshop participant off camera. There are a bunch of colored markers on the table.
Image description: Aiyo O’Connor, who has a shaved head and wears a black mask, a thick sweater and a loose overall with floral patterns, is engaging with a workshop participant off camera. There are a bunch of colored markers on the table.
Workshop participants work on their laptops around a long rectangular table. Their laptop screens show remixes of the circular visual pattern projected on the wall.
Image description: Workshop participants work on their laptops around a long rectangular table. Their laptop screens show remixes of the circular visual pattern projected on the wall.
A group of 11 workshop participants sit around a long rectangular table while listening to Iley Cao and Munus Shih going over “function”, a computer programming concept. The projection on the back wall reads “Functions are codes that accomplish a specific task. How many breads? What kind of bread? How long? How cooked?”, accompanied by an image of a bread making machine.
Image description: A group of 11 workshop participants sit around a long rectangular table while listening to Iley Cao and Munus Shih going over “function”, a computer programming concept. The projection on the back wall reads “Functions are codes that accomplish a specific task. How many breads? What kind of bread? How long? How cooked?”, accompanied by an image of a bread making machine.
A group of 22 people are in front of a brick building with large glass doors. They stand around a storefront sign that reads “Pioneer Works. Code, Decolonized with Power Plant” and smiled into the camera.
Image description: A group of 22 people are in front of a brick building with large glass doors. They stand around a storefront sign that reads “Pioneer Works. Code, Decolonized with Power Plant” and smiled into the camera.
Iley Cao, who has bleached straight hair tied to a low ponytail, is wearing a black mask, a sweater with red and white checkerboard pattern, and sunglasses on her head. She is lighted by the projection of a workshop she is co-leading.
Image description: Iley Cao, who has bleached straight hair tied to a low ponytail, is wearing a black mask, a sweater with red and white checkerboard pattern, and sunglasses on her head. She is lighted by the projection of a workshop she is co-leading.
Jay Tobin, who has curly hair and wears a black mask and t-shirt, is teaching a workshop in front of a group of participants. Behind him the presentation slides reads “generative music is music made using a process, usually without a predetermined outcome. The goal is for music that’s ever-evolving and theoretically endless. Here’s an example, and here’s another! There are tons of interesting things that go into making generative music, but today we’ll be looking at musical gestures and mathematical randomness as agents of (musical) change.”
Image description: Jay Tobin, who has curly hair and wears a black mask and t-shirt, is teaching a workshop in front of a group of participants. Behind him the presentation slides reads “generative music is music made using a process, usually without a predetermined outcome. The goal is for music that’s ever-evolving and theoretically endless. Here’s an example, and here’s another! There are tons of interesting things that go into making generative music, but today we’ll be looking at musical gestures and mathematical randomness as agents of (musical) change.”
tee topor, who has short orange hair and bangs, wears a black and white tie-dye mask, red jumpsuit and a necklace adorned by a pink hammer and sickle pendant. They are sitting in front of a laptop covered by stickers and a tablet with a light green cover.
Image description: tee topor, who has short orange hair and bangs, wears a black and white tie-dye mask, red jumpsuit and a necklace adorned by a pink hammer and sickle pendant. They are sitting in front of a laptop covered by stickers and a tablet with a light green cover.
Workshop participants look at the projection on the wall while Zoyah Shah explains the computer programming concept “variable”. On the projection there are images of name cards with different names.
Image description: Workshop participants look at the projection on the wall while Zoyah Shah explains the computer programming concept “variable”. On the projection there are images of name cards with different names.
Xin Xin, who has short straight hair and wears a off-white blouse, is leaning against a green couch while talking to Roy Yang, who wears a mask and a New York baseball cap and has a laptop on his lap.
Image description: Xin Xin, who has short straight hair and wears a off-white blouse, is leaning against a green couch while talking to Roy Yang, who wears a mask and a New York baseball cap and has a laptop on his lap.
Yiwen Xu, who has shoulder-length straight hair with bangs, is wearing a surgical mask and all black outfit. She is working on her laptop on a white desk.
Image description: Yiwen Xu, who has shoulder-length straight hair with bangs, is wearing a surgical mask and all black outfit. She is working on her laptop on a white desk.
Zoyah Shah, who has shoulder-length, dark brown curly hair and Gina Lee, who has straight black hair tied to a low ponytail, are both wearing black masks and black long-sleeves shirts. They are sitting at a white desk and sharing a laptop screen.
Image description: Zoyah Shah, who has shoulder-length, dark brown curly hair and Gina Lee, who has straight black hair tied to a low ponytail, are both wearing black masks and black long-sleeves shirts. They are sitting at a white desk and sharing a laptop screen.